Blue Sky Farm has been home to our family since 1997 and has over 175 acres dedicated to conscientious land management and environmentally sound growing practices. We enjoy the tranquility of nature, the singing birds, the fresh air, and the smell of new hay as we strive to keep a friendly balance in all that we do.
Among the many irrigated fields of grass and alfalfa hay lie several large lush pastures that provide a home for national champion sport horses and a small herd of naturally-raised Black Angus cattle. Each summer we put up several hundred tons of beautiful high-quality hay for our own livestock and have extra available for sale.
Our Angus cows and calves are raised nature’s way in the Colorado sunshine. They thrive under the blue sky in lush pastures of rich grass with clean water to drink. Being managed with the utmost care under humane conditions allows them to grow and mature slowly and naturally. The quality of your beef starts with our animals.