Croft is ‘old English’ for a protected field. We consider ourselves protectors and caretakers of the land and our family has been for seven generations. Grandpa Glenn got tired of the dust and drought in western Kansas, so in 1947 he moved his family to Weld County Colorado.
That original farm is still owned and farmed by Brad and Scott Cockroft today. Michelle and I farm within a mile of that original Colorado farm along with our seven children. Besides having farming in our heritage, there were other things that influenced us on this journey to become organic growers.
One of our children has battled autism and as we were researching things we came across dietary interventions that really helped him. Because of that we became very aware of how much food in the grocery stores is not always as it appears. Reading food labels became a way of life and we were astonished at how many harmful things besides chemicals, additives and preservatives are in our foods.
It became essential to go back to the past and make most of our meals from scratch. From there, with our farming background, it was an east step to grow and preserve more of our food. Our journey at that point led us to become organic growers.
Hope our journey helps yours? Steve and Michelle Cockroft