Desiderata Ranch, located at the border of Boulder County and Larimer County, was founded in 1981. Over the years it has been the birthplace of a family, seen children and grandchildren grow up and been a place of refuge for those in need. We are visited by birds, rabbits, deer, elk and the occasional bear. Our full-time herd consists of horses, cows, sheep, chickens and a black bunny named Stormy.
In 2013, Desiderata Ranch was almost completely destroyed by the catastrophic flooding that affected a large part of Colorado. We were very fortunate to have not lost our home but the wonderful events we hosted here on the park grounds are on hold until we can finish the cleanup. In the meantime, we are making this an opportunity for new beginnings. We are redesigning the landscaping, seeing things with new eyes and we have now started a Buyers Club.
The Desiderata Ranch Buyers Club is not a CSA. There is a one time, per season, Desiderata Ranch Membership fee of $35 which entitles the member to a 10% discount on fresh produce and preserves and a 15% discount on single jars of honey. Members also purchase a credit, a minimum of $200, that is used as a “bank” that your purchases are drawn from. You are not locked into large commitments or feeling pressed to take something you would neither like nor use. The Desiderata Ranch season runs approximately 30 weeks, from May until November. Our produce is primarily grown in our high tunnels, giving us the ability to offer an extended summer season; we are also working on our new hydroponics system so we can offer fresh greens, tomatoes and peppers year round! Additionally, our jams, jellies and preserves are very popular and are even used in several local restaurants.
Throughout the season we will send weekly emails with what is available at it’s peak that week. We will even have fruit from Palisade Colorado available!
The ranch is also host to a raw milk dairy. The herd is on a diet of pasture and spent brewer’s grain from a local brewery.
You can find us at the Berthoud Farmers Market and Loveland Farmers Market. Pick up is at the ranch in Boulder County, every weekday from 10am to 6pm and Westminster every Thursday from 3pm to 7pm. Pick up will be available at the Berthoud Farmers Market on Saturday and Loveland Farmers Market on Sunday during the season. Please note: due to the high volume of traffic at the markets, we are not able to give discounts or debit your account for purchases on market days. We are happy to fill your order, give your discount and debit your account for orders to be PICKED UP at the market.