We manage our farm with organic practices and we are chemical and GMO free. We blend biodynamic concepts with rotational grazing to build soil and recycle nutrients on our farm.
NO GMO is fed to animals- Feed on our farm is organic certified/NONGMO verified.
Pasture TIME is a must! – Chickens/Ducks rotate on the pasture in a rotation with goats and Grass fed Beef. They truly live on the pasture during the growing season.
Grass FINISHED Beef Our cattle eat only pasture ground from the moment they enter the farm. No corn, grains or GMO alfalfa is used on our farm to produce food
We Grow SOIL both in our pasture and in our veggie production, we utilize animals as our farm hand to help improve the pasture soil and build compost for veggie applications. No fish emulsion is used at our farm.
Heritage/Heirloom breeds/varieties are used on the farm. We feel these provide genetic diversity and perform better in an organic system over conventional breeds/varieties.