After 63 years of sustainable agriculture, 2008 was the first year of Grassfed Beef sales.
We purchase steers and heifers from local range-based cow-calf ranches and let the cattle finish their growth on our irrigated pastures. In addition, in 2012, we started our own cow/calf operation and currently have 11 calves. We take our animals to a small, local, USDA-inspected processor and then sell the beef by bulk variety package or individual cuts to local folks.
We pride ourselves on being on the cutting edge of sustainable farming practices. We achieve this in a few ways:
First we have developed Land Literacy, meaning we understand the dynamic relationships in the ecosystems that house our farm. With Land Literacy we are able to observe our impact and alter our actions when our impact is not creating our desired results.
Secondly, we continue our education through attending workshops like Acres USA conference, Ballet in the Pasture by Joel Salatin, Pastured Pork Class hosted by The Stockman Grass Farmer Magazine, and continuing our training and implementation of Holistic Management with consultant Byron Shelton of Landmark Harvest.
Third, we use Holistic Management, a system of visioning, decision making, and land management that ensures our actions will be sustainable ecologically, socially and economically.
We have purposefully kept almost half our acreage held in a reserve. On it are thriving communities of elk, deer, coyotes, turkeys, eagles, geese, rattlesnakes, bobcats, and a few bears and mountain lions.
We also have our own water-treatment plant on the property, and our wastewater system is currently an aerated lagoon system which includes a polishing pond.
You can find us at local farmer’s markets or order directly through the ranch. All online orders must be picked up on the ranch, but if you’d like to come out to the ranch to purchase your grassfed beef in person give us a call or send us an email at least 24 hours in advance and we can have your order ready when you come by.