Our story begins in 2013 when we purchased one pet goat, named Bakon. We wanted a pet goat for years, and we bought him when we also saved a horse from slaughter. Bakon used to go trick or treating with my son, and he also pulled a cart—he thought he was a dog! He quickly became a beloved member of our family.
As we got to know Bakon, we also learned more and more about the benefits of goat products, and how they ensured a healthy lifestyle for our family. We quickly decided that we wanted more than just a pet! Two years later, our goat family now includes 25 goats, including 10 does that give us wonderful tasty milk, and four doelings that will replace our girls when they are ready to retire on our beautiful mountain property. When we have lots of bouncing baby boys they will serve our community with home-raised and well-fed meat. Most of our goats are La Mancha’s but we do have a few Nubians and alpines as well! All are very well bred with excellent milk lines.
Our goatherd is ever changing with each new season of babies. They all become part of our family and receive the best care and all of our love. They are happy, content, silly, and mischievous… just as goats should be! We enjoy and appreciate our goats for all that they offer to us. Whether it is from their meat or their milk, we can’t seem to get enough of these wonderful animals and what they do for our community and family!
Healthy goats, high quality products, and happy customers have been our top priorities for over two years. The entire Homestead Ranch family is excited about producing the most healthful goat milk, cheese, meat, and skin care products available. We welcome the opportunity to share them with you.
You can also find our products at the Berthoud Farmer’s Market and the Fort Collins Farmer’s Market at Harmony and Lemay.
Heather, Steven, Landon… And all of our dairy goats from Homestead Ranch