Our family has a passion for healthy living. We have always tried to eat healthy, striving to buy fresh, organic, and of course non GMO foods. Loving to buy and support local farmers and merchants when we could. Finding natural grass fed meats that are antibiotic and hormone free had usually been a challenge. When we bought our ranch in Livermore, Colorado and started raising our own lamb and beef on just the sweet foothill mountain grass, hormone and antibiotic free of course, we realized what we had been missing all this time. The meat tasted so much better than any of the natural meats we had bought before. Wanting our friends to enjoy the same good tasting meat as well, we started sharing it with them. They were surprised how amazing it tasted too. Because of their encouragement we decided to offer a selection of our grass fed lamb and beef at our local farmers market.
We were pleasantly surprised how well received it was. It was hard to keep up with the demand that first summer! We want everyone to be able to eat as healthy as possible and eat food that tastes good too! Something we were dismayed to have learned about this all natural meat industry is some of the self-proclaimed all natural grass fed beef companies are not totally telling the whole truth. While some claim the steers are grass fed, what they don’t tell you is that they are grain finished. This is done to add weight to the steer fast toward the end of their growth so the hanging weight is heavier at butchering time. It does add weight but also fat which adds marbling. We don’t want more fat, lean meat is better for us. What we are also not clear on is if the grain fed to the cattle is genetically modified or not, or has been treated with pesticides. So… many cannot compete with our beef and lambs, which are totally grass fed and finished and are definitely hormone and antibiotic free, which we think is so important. Boy, can you tell a difference in the taste! I don’t know if it is the altitude where our ranch is located which is in the foothills of Northern Colorado or what, but the grass our animals eat is sweet and sure makes our meat just taste better! The gorgeous Rocky Mountains are the backdrop to this breathtaking landscape. Our cows and steers roam freely over the rolling fields and enjoy our sometimes waist high grass that we grow during the summer months. The reason we have such success in growing this lush green grass is because we are blessed with having an abundance of water rights which we use to run our two pivots to grow hay as well as flood irrigate. Because of the water, we are one of the only green areas in Livermore. You can look on Google maps and see a satellite picture of our ranch and see the only green acres are where we are located.
Our ranch name is Living Water Ranch. The abundance of water is so evident by the green lush land. We are blessed to have the North Poudre River running through the property as well a fresh spring fed pond that provides a home for an abundance of trout. The water rights provide enough water to have two hay cuttings and enough grass for a large herd of cattle and sheep. It reminds me of the scripture John 4:13 where Jesus says “if you drink of living water you will never thirst again” He is talking about Himself. Anyone who accepts Jesus will satisfy the inner most desire for a savior that God gave us a yearning for. We were created to seek after a higher being. Jesus is the answer. We pray everyone would experience this peace that passes all understanding. We feel humbled and blessed to have this ranch and want to honor God by naming our ranch after His Son Jesus Chris, The true Living Water. Come and see our Living Water Ranch!
Blessings, The Stahla Family